
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Windows 10 Technical Preview

I decided to install Windows 10 Technical Preview on my Dell Inspiron 3135 because it was overloaded with software and needed a refresher. Instead of doing a hard reset, I wanted to give Windows 10 a chance to prove itself before release. Overall, the experience went fairly smooth, minus a couple driver hiccups.

Friday, November 21, 2014

How Interstallar inspired me to start writing for the big screen again

Having watched Interstellar recently, I've found myself thinking a lot about my past involvement in the film industry and my desire to write and direct my own films. I emailed a friend in Hollywood about my involvement in past film productions, and the stories I'm working on, and he encouraged me to finish writing one of them.

I think I will take it a step further and produce an actual film for submission to festivals. After all, that's how many great modern film makers got their start.

Stay posted! In the meantime, I'm brainstorming ideas in hopes that something great will come through. I already have a concept in mind, but I won't spoil it before I work out the kinks.

As for Christopher Nolan's story? Well, these guys can tell it better than I can.

Friday, October 31, 2014

The Hallowing of Halsbury Mansion, Chapter One

You didn't think I could start a blog as an author without adding a bit of creative writing once in awhile, did you? This is a little piece I'm writing, just in time for one of my favorite holidays. Don't let is spook you away, now!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

And it begins....

Starting a blog as an unknown author is a bit crazy, but you have to start somewhere! I'll start by laying out my intentions for this blog.

This blog is where I'll be sharing updates as I progress in writing and publishing my own stories. I'll tell you what inspires me as a writer, how I develop stories, and so on. Please don't post up long stories for me to review. There are forums on and offline where you can get much better reviews that I could ever offer.